Pre-school Teachers' Association of the NT
About Us
The Preschool Teachers Association of the Northern Territory (PSTANT) provides a forum for teachers and other early childhood educators in the Northern Territory to network and share knowledge. PTANT aims to meet on a regular basis to share information, pedagogy and practice, resources and professional learning.
What is the benefit of a PSTANT Membership?
- Network with other Early Childhood educators
- Share ideas and resources
- See other preschool environments
- Targeted professional development
- Subsidised or free professional development
- A voice to provide feedback to the Department of Education
- Regular updates on current news in Early Childhood as well as upcoming events
Lvl 11, Mitchell Centre. 55-59 Mitchell Street
Darwin NT 0801
Phone: 08 8944 9312
ABN: 463 302 816 41