2021 Grant Activity
Professional Learning Grant: assists Member Associations seeking to upskill NT teachers in areas relevant to their association. This grant provides teachers with evidence based programs, practices and teaching styles, which enables them to build skills, knowledge and pedagogical practices in a range of disciplines to improve student outcomes.
Governance Grant: assists Member Associations to maintain compliance with the Associations Act 2003 and regulations. This grant can only be used for activities that align with the requirements of the Act, e.g. assistance or up-skilling members in relation to legislation and/or compliance.
National Conference Grant: assists Member Associations to co-convene or host, in collaboration with their national representative body, a national or international conference in the NT that showcases educational excellence, and enables NT teachers to access high quality professional learning. Member Associations have two years to acquit national conference grants.
Start-Up Grant: assists newly-formed Member Associations to establish their association, including website development, Territory Business Centre lodgement, bank account establishment, and host membership drives, community events and training.
A total of 23 grants provided access to 64 professional learning opportunities and supported several initiatives, which allowed members to continue to remain active despite ongoing COVID-19 restrictions. Grants were paid in accordance with PTANT grant guidelines. These grants benefited 804 teachers and 198 non-teachers across 205 schools. Please note, individual teachers may have attended more than one professional learning event.
Lvl 11, Mitchell Centre. 55-59 Mitchell Street
Darwin NT 0801
Phone: 08 8944 9312
ABN: 463 302 816 41