Art Educators of the Northern Territory


President: Jemima Saunders

AENT Chapter

Art Education Australia Chapter

Facebook: ArtEducatorsOfTheNT

About Us

The Art Educators of the Northern Territory (AENT) is an association for Art teachers and the teaching of Art in the Northern Territory. AENT strives to improve the status of Art teaching, theory, pedagogy and the cognitive learning of students, whilst raising the profile of the visual arts. Through various projects, conferences, workshops, professional learning opportunities, meetings and newsletters, the association offers to support Primary, Middle and Secondary teachers, and continues to promote the values of educating through art.

The AENT is designed for both teachers, student teachers and all those interested in the teachings of Art.

What is the benefit of an AENT Membership?

Joining the AENT entitles you to a range of benefits for your teaching practice and professional skills and knowledge:

  • You become an associate member of the national Art Educators of Australia (AEA)
  • Regular meetings that offer a stimulating and relevant professional development locally. This offers an opportunity for you to share your own work, while networking and meeting like-minded peers
  • Workshops which give you the opportunity to hear and meet significant speakers, artists and researchers and learn about new mediums, techniques and the best available resources
  • Participation with AENT provides you with evidence of your professional commitment for Highly Accomplished/Lead Teacher and promotional applications
  • The opportunity for comment on and contribute to NT and federal policies and initiatives concerning the teaching learning of Art
  • Be part of the stage for Art educators who wish to voice their opinions and knowledge as a whole body
  • Eligibility to be a Friend of CDU Gallery


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Lvl 11, Mitchell Centre. 55-59 Mitchell Street
Darwin NT 0801

Phone: 08 8944 9312

ABN: 463 302 816 41