Language Teachers' Association of the Northern Territory



President: Candice Slingerland

LTANT Chapter

AFMLTA National

Facebook: LanguageTeachersNT

Twitter: LTA_NT

About Us

The Language Teachers' Association of the Northern Territory (LTANT) is a professional teachers association for those involved in languages education. LTANT aims to promote the importance of language education in schools, including Indigenous and community languages. LTANT promotes communication and cooperation between languages teachers and facilitates study and research on language teaching pedagogy and community engagement.

The objectives of LTANT are to:

  • Promote the teaching and learning of languages
  • Provide opportunities to strengthen networks and professional identity through moderation, collaboration and sharing of ideas
  • Seek improvement of the curriculum by advocating and cooperating with relevant institutions
  • Be a voice for language teaching in the NT
  • Provide learning opportunities for teachers to improve their practice and achieve better outcomes for their students

What is the benefit of an LTANT Membership?

  • Professional Development
  • Teach Meets
  • Latest developments in language teaching education
  • Updates of events and publications
  • 4 issues per annum of Babel, journal of the Australia Federation of Modern Lanuage Teachers' Assoications Inc (AFMLTA)
  • Promoting student activities
  • Accessing grants for teachers
  • Representing teachers through our peak body AFMLTA
  • Great collegiate support and networking


Lvl 11, Mitchell Centre. 55-59 Mitchell Street
Darwin NT 0801

Phone: 08 8944 9312

ABN: 463 302 816 41